United Nations Association of South Africa hereby give thanks to our partners for this years successful Model United Nations conference. We are proud to be partnered with such esteemed organizations and our hope is that this partnership will be a lasting one. It is always difficult as a NPO to garner support and funds to promote the ideals of the United Nations and encourage growth within our youth leadership. This year we were very fortunate to include students that would otherwise not have been able to attend this conference, due to financial constraints. We were honored to be hosted by DIRCO in Pretoria and we were especially honored in having the delegates from all our chapters at the conference. We are humbled and deeply grateful to Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung and their support given to our organization and students by their program managers. We thank our guests, observers and the members of UNASA-UP chapter that gave up a lot of their free time to ensure the success of this conference.